Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Importance of Forums

What is the first thing you should do before buying a vehicle or adding modifications? Do research, one of the best places I find for research are forums. Look for forums that specify in the particular brand or model you are interested in and local forums that cover all makes.

What is a forum? A forum is an online community with a common interest. There are practically forums for anything and everything you could imagine. A great thing about motorcycle forums is its a great way for people to communicate about common issues, repairs, modifications, maintenance, etc. Due to people having the same bike it is a good possibility that someone else has had the same problem or done the same modifications your dealing with. On many occasions I've had a question with a bike and quickly found the answers I was looking for by simply reading or asking a question. You will also learn various things and possibilities you may have never thought of as well. In some instances you can make new Friends that you may have never met before. On local forums you may make a new riding buddy but can also occur on the international boards as well.

There are some down sides as well but not many. If you are on a brand or model specific site the owners can tend to be very bias and give misleading information about other makes. Some people may give ill advice, so let the user beware. The only other downside is you may become addicted to posting.

Here is a list of some forums that I find to be helpful: a suzuki intruder/boulevard site
http://www.kyriders.neta good example of a local motorcycle forum based in Kentucky a suzuki sv650 site a harley davidson site a kawaski site a honda site a yamaha site

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